10 Tips for Maintaining the Discipline of Writing

The Passion for Writing

Empowering the 21st Century Worker v2In 2014, I declared that I would bite the self-publishing bullet and publish at least one of my manuscripts each month.

It would require maintaining the discipline of writing.

However, I did not publish any ebooks or paperbacks in 2014, because I was dealing with an illness that would have me in surgery by year’s end.

But, in my recovery bed, come January morning, I remembered my passion for writing. I executed my commitment and since then made good on that promise.

7 Books by Denise N. Fyffe

I managed to publish over 33 manuscripts since then. Some of my career development and work titles, which focus on teh 21st century worker include:

  1. Sophie’s Place: Examining Career Development for the Disabled
  2. Learning Management System Efficiency vs. Staff Proficiency
  3. The Philosophy of Education and Work
  4. Examining Career Development in Jamaica and Australia
  5. Thieves in the Workplace
  6. Empowering the 21st Century Worker
  7. Is the Registry Happy

I started importing my self-published paperback books into Jamaica and sold them to my co-workers, acquaintances, and friends. Then, I started to notice that I was asked this question a lot.

Where do you find time to write so many books?

I had a ready answer.

Remember that quote, about there being 24 hours in the day, the same 24 hours that you have, so too did Picasso, Albert Einstein and many of the greats? But what did they do with their seconds, minutes, hours and days? What are you doing with your seconds, minutes, hours and days?

So, it is simple to answer the question, I make the time.

The Discipline of Writing

I am always writing, editing or proofreading; along with working 9 hours a day and attending school 4 evenings a week for 3 hours. Not to mention the hecticity of teaching practice for 4 mornings at 7 a.m. and one session on Sunday evenings for 3 hours.

(I am so glad that is over).

It requires being organized, proactive and focused. My phone has seen many poems for my books, chapter sections for my books and articles for my blogs. My mind is tightly and finely attuned to every experience I face on a day to day basis and how I would incorporate that into a self-published book.

The biggest ace that I have got on my side is God. I am obedient to His will, His leading and His way.

I don’t watch TV so I stream my shows online. This summer, I am on a TV show fast. They are forbidden for Summer 2015; as such, I have a lot of time on my hands, more than ever. And remember, if I don’t watch TV, that means I am not engaged in a mindless activity for hours on end.

Those would be wasted hours for me because I could be drafting a new book, editing a complete manuscript or getting it ready to self publish on:

  1. Kindle self-publishing website
  2. Lulu.com self-publishing website
  3. Smashwords self-publishing (they have a tedious and discouraging process, recommended for the tech savvy)

This summer, I also got many book ideas. Numerous!

Sometimes, I wonder when will I be publishing those manuscripts. Those I already have and those not yet written, but God is the author and finisher of all things. I have nearly 20 manuscripts waiting to be published and just as many book ideas, if not book covers of books not yet written.

So, if you are interested in following up your passion for writing; all else must come second.

10 Tips for Maintaining the Discipline of Writing:

So, here are several tips from my  book on ‘How to Keep Writing:

  1. Write, every day.
  2. Write about what interests you. Your passion will motivate you.
  3. Start with a few hundred words a day.
  4. Launch a blog. This will motivate you to maintain a schedule of writing and posting
  5. Research and read materials to better your craft.
  6. Share your writing with friends and family. Listen to feedback.
  7. Participate in writing competitions.
  8. Share your pieces with local newspapers.
  9. Review or revisit pieces that you have done and improve them.
  10. Read other writers work in your genre who are successful.

My books can be found at a number of online websites, including Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, Lulu.com, and Amazon.


Check out her book How to Keep Writing

This book shares key practical strategies on how to become an author and a working writer. It helps you to get over the everyday nuisances that hinder the writing process. You can follow each strategy, at your own pace until you are writing often. It is geared towards both aspiring fiction and nonfiction authors and working writers who produce content, on a daily basis.

Available at all online book retailers and Amazon.com.


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Copyright © 2019, Denise N. Fyffe

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