3 practical strategies to keep writing

3 Practical Strategies to Keep Writing

How to Keep Writing

To become a working writer or a published author, you must develop the discipline of writing, faithfully.

So, how do you accomplish this feat?

Well, developing the discipline of writing is a straightforward process and yet, for many a difficult thing to do.

To start, you must keep on writing.



1. Find the Best Time to Write

For me, the best time is first thing in the morning.

This is a prevalent truth for many writers. You are at your best before, the distractions of the day sap away the mental ingenuity and creativity of an uncluttered mind.

If I am up after midnight – as I am now when writing this book – then it feels like a faucet of ideas has been turned on in my brain. The downside is that sleep is nowhere around and I am up for hours.

It is a good thing that I work from home. I can set my own hours. But, your best time to keep writing might not be in the morning. Though, it is for most.

Something happens in the brain when it does not yet have to try and fix any number of problems that arise in a day. It operates like a brand new computer with 1000 MB of RAM. It is unhindered by the spyware, malware and ransomware of our daily lives.

2. Read, Read, Read

If there is anything to fuel your passion, to help you keep writing and to make you a more disciplined writer, it is reading. If you do not read, you will not have an internal and expanded frame of reference when you write.

Reading will help you to gain understanding, knowledge, and wisdom, which is mandatory for good writing.

As working writers, we are required to write articles, product descriptions, eBooks, website and social media content about a range of topics. As such, you must develop your research skill and this comes through reading. But not only should you be able to do this effectively, but you must also be able to read quickly and with understanding.

While I am not a doctor, I have had to produce articles on a range of medical topics.

Because, of my early years of practice and having read hundreds of medical articles and journals, I am able to represent this particular niche, without anyone being able to detect that these articles were not written by my clients.

This is a necessary skill, which you must have if you intend to become a copywriter.

3. Write Every Day

Just as how air is necessary to keep you alive, the act of writing must be done frequently, to help you become a top-notch writer or a prolific author.

Your brain is like a muscle, which must be exercised daily.

The more those muscles are engaged, and put through a regimen to test and expand their limits, the stronger you become. The regimen that you go through will help it to perform the task smoothly and effortlessly when required.

I remember having this feeling of accomplishment, right after I released my first book.

It was so thrilling.

It was my dream to become a writer from childhood. Several years before the book’s release, I was constantly writing poetry and had over a thousand of them cataloged.

Coupled with blogging consistently for the last eight years, the consistent practice got me to where I am today. I write every day, even if it is just a short paragraph on my social media profiles.

So, get going and start with a few hundred words a day and remember, write about what interests you. Your passion will motivate you to keep writing.

In addition, four supporting elements make for great writing. These include:

– Research

– Writing

– Editing

– Re-writing

You will come to understand and appreciate the importance of each, as you read through this material.

Do You Want to Become A Working Writer

So, if you decide to become a writer, you need to understand that this is not an easy gig.

Get a copy of the book, How to Keep Writing, and learn practical strategies on how to become an author and a working writer.

Do you use any of these practical strategies to keep writing? Leave your comments in the field below.


Check out her book How to Keep Writing

This book shares key practical strategies on how to become an author and a working writer. It helps you to get over the everyday nuisances that hinder the writing process. You can follow each strategy, at your own pace until you are writing often. It is geared towards both aspiring fiction and nonfiction authors and working writers who produce content, daily.

Available at all online book retailers and Amazon.com.

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