Career Development: Article Critique of Your Personal Development Plan

Article Critique of Your Personal Development Plan

by Denise N. Fyffe


Article: Practical career tip – Your personal development plan

Author: Roselyne Raelly

Source: Jamaica Observer

Our personal and career development is not an overnight achievement. It is a process that should expand over the period of our lives. As we grow and develop, we transition from various stages, and to better prepare and deal with them we create plans. Therefore, it is not surprising that to achieve this in our careers, we must lay down steps, and strategies to channel and direct our goals and make them more attainable, realistic, and time bound.

Therefore, this article by Roselyne Raelly is in line with the career decision-making and planning process.

What is The Article About?

Really clearly states as the foundation of her article that the main priority when offered a job is to do a personal development plan.

She paints a scenario for her readers to realize and understand the importance of this plan. This scenario is of a newly graduated college student with no job experience in the field they studied. The individual battles with the prospect of not living up to their potential, and not being able to transfer or apply their learning to the job situation.

However, she counters that with the fact that our practical learning occurs outside of the classroom and that a personal development plan should be drafted.

The author continues to paint the interview reality and the possible questions one may be asked and how if a development plan were done the process would be easier. As some organizations, she states, are willing to assist with their employees’ goals, the onus is on the individual to be best prepared for this assistance.

This article is an introduction to a much larger topic; therefore it is segmented into parts.

Who Can Benefit From this Article?

However, the choice of topic would be helpful to young people just entering the workforce and to better prepare them for what is expected.

The article by no means is only relevant to these young people, but also to other categories of workers. Many people are inadequately informed about how to plan, much less for their careers; therefore, they continue to learn by ‘trial and error’.

Though brief, the article ‘wets the appetite’ of the reader to learn more about a personal development plan. Its brevity also allows the user to not suffer from information overload and ‘tune out’, thinking the article is boring.

The first paragraph and the two or three following paint a scenario and this captures the reader’s attention. The emphasis on Career Decision Making and Planning is integral today, with the economy and job prospects changing daily. Articles of such nature are there to continually assist people in keeping up and preparing for the changes.



  • Raelly, R., (October 2004). Practical career tip – Your personal development plan. Jamaica Observer. p.9.

  • Brown, D., (2003). Career Information, Career Counselling and Career Development (5th Ed.). Allyn and Bacon.


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